We Know that Most Linux Task is done with the help of Commands. So to Becoming a Linux expert you need lots of knowledge of Commands Therefore In This Short Post, I am Summarizing to you 10 essential Basic Linux Commands Which are very helpful for beginners. These Commands do Basic tasks which makes your work Efficient.
Bonus Tips:
- Hot Key Ctrl+Alt+T is used for opening Terminal in Ubuntu type Linux Distros or, Hot Key Alt+F2 is used for opening Terminal in GNOME type Distros.
- Hot Key Ctrl+C is used for Stopping any command safely.
- Use Hot Key Ctrl+Z for Stopping any command forcibly.
- Use command clear to clean the Terminal, exit for exiting from the Terminal & shutdown -h to Turns off your System.
- whoami command displays the currently active user name.
- ls commands list out the Various Files & Directories of the System.
- ls -a commands list out the Various Files & Directories of the System(including the Hidden one).
- ls -l commands list out the Various Files & Directories of the System(including Attributed Details like file type & Size etc.)
All commands used very Frequently in Daily Work Scenario so practice them & Memorise them
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May 11, 2020
Less information but not bad